
Who We Are

FAPAP is dedicated to the development, advocacy, promotion and education of the public art field in the State of Florida. The organization promotes national best practices in the administration of public art programs, and offers excellent networking opportunities for all public art professionals.
The mission, direction and activities of FAPAP are guided by a Board of Directors elected by the membership and a slate of Officers elected by the Board. This Board, the Officers and FAPAP members endeavor to provide educational, informational and networking opportunities for individuals, institutions, governments and businesses involved in all aspects of public art. They also encourage awareness of the social and economic benefits of public art programs.
Periodically, members and guests gather at conferences in various cities of Florida to compare programs, share solutions and discuss the direction of public art in our state. Professional development, peer liaison, technical assistance, topic sessions and guest lecturers are included in these meetings.
To educate as well as learn from other organizations closely involved in public art, FAPAP may hold its conferences in collaboration with annual meetings of art educators, local arts agencies, architects, counties and cities.
Florida communities considering the establishment of a public art program are encouraged to contact FAPAP for information and to send representatives to the conferences to learn from other public art professionals.